How To Get More Free Trial Sign-Ups in a SaaS Product

As a fellow SaaS marketer who has been in your shoes, I know first-hand the frustration of working hard on an amazing product only to struggle to get sign-ups. Believe me, I've lost sleep over low conversion rates too!

But over the years of working with successful SaaS companies, I've learned there are proven ways to stand out and convince people to try out your product with a solid free trial strategy.

In this post, I want to share the key tactics and optimization tips that have helped many of my clients double, even triple their free trial sign-up rates. These are battle-tested techniques that can take your conversion rates to the next level regardless of your industry or business size.

I'm not going to bore you with generic advice. This is actionable information covering everything from understanding your users better to crafting the right messaging to A/B testing your pages. I'll also share real examples and numbers from my agency's clients so you know these tips actually work.

So whether you're just getting started with your SaaS or are looking to improve an existing free trial funnel, you'll find plenty of ideas here to apply right away. Let's dive in and take your sign-up game up a notch!

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Why Free Trials Are Important

Before digging into the tactics, it's worth covering why free trials are so important for SaaS products specifically:

  • Trials let prospects experience your product - People want to "try before they buy." A free trial removes friction and risk in signing up.
  • Trials build brand trust and credibility - Allowing unrestricted access builds credibility and shows your product solves problems.
  • Trials generate critical user feedback - Watching how trials behave provides product insights and feedback you can't get elsewhere.
  • Trials convert users into paying customers - Free trials convert at a much higher rate than inorganic sign-ups.

Simply put, SaaS trials are high-quality leads. Signing up trials should be a KPI your team obsesses over.

Now let's explore tips to capture more free trial users.

Optimize Landing Pages for Conversions

Your SaaS signup landing pages need to master two things: education and persuasion. Specifically:

  • Educate visitors on what your product is, how it works, use cases, customers, and key capabilities.
  • Persuade visitors to give your app a shot with social proof, value messaging, minimal friction, and clear calls-to-action.

Some proven landing page best practices:

Lead with a STRONG value proposition

Your headline and sub-headline should clearly communicate:

  • Who your product is for
  • The main problems it solves
  • One primary benefit

For example, here are examples from CodePipeline and


Automate manual steps in your mobile app development. Release higher quality apps, faster.

Record and review conversations. Generate rich notes with summaries, transcripts, keywords, and key phrases.

Prove demand with strong social proof elements:

  • Customer logos and testimonials
  • Reviews from reputable publications like TechCrunch or The New York Times
  • Badges for acquisitions, funding rounds, growth metrics, etc.

For example, Calendly features logos like TWiLo, Chime, and Office Depot to establish authority.

Minimize friction with easy signup

Don't add unnecessary fields or buttons to your signup form. Stick to:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Password

You can gather more info like company name later once they're engaged with your trial.

Promote Trials Across Multiple Channels

Don't rely solely on organic discovery. Be proactive promoting your free trial offer through:

1. Your website navigation and buttons

Calls-To-Action (CTAs) to start a free trial should be clearly visible in top navigation, footer links, hero buttons, and content offers.

2. Product demos and virtual events

Sales reps and customer success managers should walk prospects through a demo that lands on a trial CTA. Events should also end with a free trial offer.

3. External ads and links

Run ads on channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, industry forums, Q+A sites like Quora, and relevant publications driving to a dedicated trial landing page.

4. Email campaigns and nurturing

Send targeted email drip campaigns to website visitors and list sign-ups reminding about your trial offer. Craft relevant, personalized messages leading up to the ask.

5. Retargeting campaigns

Use pixels and cookies to track site visitors and serve ads on Google, YouTube, Facebook and across the web following up about a trial.

6. Affiliate and partnership promotions

Encourage advocates like bloggers, partners, and customers to share or embed special trial CTAs and coupon codes on websites, emails, and social media.

Do everything possible to capture direct website traffic and blast your trial offer across all corners of the web. Cast as wide a net as your resources permit.

Optimize Trials for Stickiness

It's not enough to just sign up trial users. You need them actively using your software during the evaluation. Here are proven tactics to drive trial engagement:

Onboard users instantly

Flashy welcome videos can wait. Drop new users directly into an Aha moment that shows the magic of your product.

Prioritize key activities like:

  • Completing their user profile
  • Importing existing data
  • Starting a test project in the system
  • Exploring a demo use case

Guide trial users to experience core value fast.

Set behavior-based lifecycle emails

Well-timed and relevant emails move the needle on engagement. Set up a drip campaign to deploy:

Day 1: Welcome and first lesson

  • Reiterate signup motivation
  • Provide quick tutorial for an initial task

Day 3: Ask for feedback

  • Was onboarding clear?
  • Are they running into any hurdles?

Day 7: Last chance reminder

  • Recap business value
  • Check if they want to convert subscription

Day 14: Final cutoff CTA

  • Trial expiration warning
  • Strong CTA to upgrade

Send behavioral nudges based on usage signals like dormant accounts or feature adoption.

Enable in-app trial upgrades

Don't wait for trials to expire before allowing upgrades. Show unlocked features or limits throughout the trial alongside inline upgrade CTAs.

The combination of targeted emails and in-app messaging covers users however they engage your app.

Analyze Trial Funnels Diligently

To refine trial conversion rates, dig into the data around:

  • Traffic source performance
  • Landing page conversions
  • Trial start rates
  • Engagement during trials
  • Upgrade funnel drop off

Uncover sticking points losing potential subscribers.

For example, you may spot opportunities like:

Traffic Source Conversion Rate Changes
Google Ads 34% Try copy that speaks to intent
Social Referral 29% Promote case studies
Website Direct 15% Prioritize faster Aha moment

Build funnel analytics reporting to always know what trial lever needs pulling.

In Summary

There are no silver bullets to instantly boost SaaS free trials. But doubling down on website conversion design, multi-channel promotion, trial experience, and rigorous analysis will compound gains over time.

Done right, you'll enjoy surging trial conversion rates and higher-quality customers.


1. What are some effective strategies to promote free trial sign-ups in a SaaS product?

There are several effective strategies that you can use to promote free trial sign-ups in a SaaS product, including:

  • Creating a compelling value proposition: Clearly articulate what your product does, why it is valuable to your target audience, and how it solves their problems. Make sure your messaging is concise, persuasive, and easy to understand.
  • Offering a free trial: A free trial is an excellent way to let potential customers experience your product's value before committing to a purchase. Make sure to offer a long enough trial period for users to fully explore your product's features and benefits.
  • Optimizing your website: Your website is your digital storefront. Make sure it is well-designed, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversions. Use persuasive copy, high-quality visuals, and clear calls-to-action to encourage visitors to sign up for your free trial.
  • Leveraging social proof: People tend to trust the opinions of others, especially when making purchasing decisions. Use customer testimonials, case studies, and social media reviews to show potential customers how others have benefited from your product.
  • Running targeted ads: Paid advertising can be an effective way to drive traffic to your website and increase sign-ups. Make sure to target your ads to your ideal customer persona and use compelling ad copy and visuals to capture their attention.

2. How can I improve my website's landing page to encourage more free trial sign-ups?

Your website's landing page is critical to converting visitors into free trial sign-ups. Here are some tips to improve your landing page:

  • Focus on the benefits: Make sure your landing page highlights the benefits of your product and how it solves your target audience's pain points. Use persuasive copy and visuals to help visitors envision themselves using your product.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid cluttering your landing page with too much information or too many calls-to-action. Keep it simple, clean, and easy to navigate.
  • Optimize for conversions: Use persuasive copy, clear calls-to-action, and a simple sign-up form to encourage visitors to take action. Make sure your sign-up form is easy to find and fill out.
  • Include social proof: Use customer testimonials, case studies, and social media reviews to show potential customers how others have benefited from your product. This can help build trust and increase sign-ups.
  • Use high-quality visuals: Use high-quality visuals, such as product screenshots, videos, and infographics, to help visitors visualize your product's value and benefits.

3. What is the ideal length of a free trial period for a SaaS product?

The ideal length of a free trial period for a SaaS product depends on several factors, including the complexity of your product and the needs of your target audience. Generally, free trial periods range from 7 to 30 days. However, some SaaS products offer longer trial periods of up to 60 days or more. The key is to offer enough time for users to fully explore your product's features and benefits and decide if it meets their needs.

4. Should I require users to enter their credit card information to sign up for a free trial?

Requiring users to enter their credit card information to sign up for a free trial can be a controversial issue. Some argue that it is a necessary step to prevent abuse of the free trial system and ensure that only serious prospects sign up. Others believe that it creates unnecessary friction and can deter potential users from signing up. Ultimately, the decision depends on your business model and the type of product you offer.

If your product is a high-end enterprise software that requires a significant investment, requiring credit card information may make sense. However, for more consumer-oriented products or lower-cost SaaS solutions, requiring credit card information can be a barrier to sign-ups.

One possible compromise is to offer a free trial without requiring credit card information, but require it when the user decides to upgrade to a paid subscription. This approach allows users to experience the value of your product before committing to a purchase, while also ensuring that only serious prospects convert to paid subscribers.

5. How can I use email marketing to increase the number of free trial sign-ups?

Email marketing can be a powerful tool to increase the number of free trial sign-ups for your SaaS product. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your email campaigns:

  • Build a targeted email list: Segment your email list based on demographics, behavior, and interests to ensure that your messaging is tailored to your audience's needs and preferences.
  • Craft compelling subject lines: Use attention-grabbing subject lines that pique your audience's interest and encourage them to open your email.
  • Use persuasive copy: Craft persuasive copy that clearly communicates the value of your product and the benefits of signing up for a free trial.
  • Include clear calls-to-action: Use clear calls-to-action that direct recipients to your landing page or sign-up form. Make sure the process is straightforward and easy to follow.
  • Send follow-up emails: Send follow-up emails to remind recipients about your free trial offer and encourage them to sign up before the trial period ends.
  • Use automation: Use email automation tools to send targeted emails based on user behavior, such as abandoned cart reminders, personalized recommendations, or welcome sequences.

6. What is the role of social media in promoting free trial sign-ups?

Social media can be a powerful tool to promote free trial sign-ups for your SaaS product. Here are some ways to leverage social media to increase sign-ups:

  • Build a strong social media presence: Build a strong presence on social media platforms that are relevant to your target audience. Share valuable content, engage with your followers, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Use paid advertising: Use paid advertising on social media platforms to drive traffic to your website and increase sign-ups. Use compelling visuals and copy that align with your audience's interests and preferences.
  • Run social media contests: Run social media contests that encourage users to sign up for your free trial in exchange for a chance to win a prize. This can help increase engagement and build buzz around your product.
  • Leverage user-generated content: Encourage users to share their experience with your product on social media using a branded hashtag. This can help build social proof and increase sign-ups.

7. How can I leverage customer referrals to increase free trial sign-ups?

Customer referrals can be a powerful way to increase free trial sign-ups for your SaaS product. Here are some ways to encourage referrals:

  • Offer incentives: Offer incentives, such as discounts or extended trial periods, to users who refer others to your product.
  • Create a referral program: Create a referral program that makes it easy for users to refer others to your product. Provide them with pre-written messages, shareable links, or social media graphics that they can use to promote your product.
  • Encourage sharing: Encourage users to share their experience with your product on social media and other channels. Make it easy for them to share by providing social media sharing buttons or other sharing options.
  • Show appreciation: Show appreciation for users who refer others to your product by thanking them publicly or offering exclusive rewards.

8. How can I optimize my landing page to increase free trial sign-ups?

Your landing page is a critical element in your free trial sign-up funnel. Here are some tips to help you optimize your landing page for maximum conversions:

  • Keep it simple: Keep your landing page simple and easy to understand. Use clear and concise language that clearly communicates the value of your product and the benefits of signing up for a free trial.
  • Use eye-catching visuals: Use eye-catching visuals, such as product screenshots or videos, to help users visualize your product and understand how it works.
  • Include social proof: Use social proof, such as customer testimonials or trust badges, to build credibility and trust with your audience.
  • Make the sign-up form easy to find: Make the sign-up form prominent and easy to find on your landing page. Use contrasting colors and clear calls to action to guide users through the sign-up process.
  • Minimize distractions: Minimize distractions on your landing page by removing unnecessary links or elements that could distract users from signing up.
  • Include a clear value proposition: Clearly communicate your product's unique value proposition and how it solves your audience's pain points.

9. How can I use A/B testing to optimize my free trial sign-up process?

A/B testing can be a powerful tool to optimize your free trial sign-up process. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your A/B tests:

  • Start with your landing page: Start by A/B testing different versions of your landing page to see which one generates the most sign-ups. Test different headlines, visuals, copy, and calls-to-action to find the most effective combination.
  • Test different sign-up forms: A/B test different versions of your sign-up form to see which one performs best. Test different form lengths, fields, and designs to find the most effective form.
  • Test different sign-up incentives: A/B test different sign-up incentives, such as a free trial vs. a free demo, to see which one generates the most sign-ups.
  • Run continuous tests: Continuously run A/B tests to optimize your sign-up process over time. Test different elements of your funnel, such as your email campaigns, social media ads, or referral program, to identify areas for improvement.

10. How can I track and analyze the effectiveness of my free trial sign-up funnel?

Tracking and analyzing the effectiveness of your free trial sign-up funnel is critical to optimizing your conversion rates over time. Here are some metrics to track and analyze:

  • Conversion rate: Track your conversion rate at each stage of your funnel, from website visitors to free trial sign-ups to paid subscribers.
  • Bounce rate: Monitor your landing page bounce rate to identify areas for improvement. A high bounce rate could indicate that your landing page is not resonating with your audience or that there are technical issues that need to be addressed.
  • Time to convert: Track the time it takes for users to convert from website visitors to free trial sign-ups. This can help you identify bottlenecks in your sign-up process and areas for improvement.
  • Source of traffic: Monitor the source of your traffic, such as organic search, social media, or paid advertising, to identify which channels are most effective at driving sign-ups.
  • User behavior: Track user behavior, such as time spent on your website, pages visited, or actions taken, to identify areas for improvement in your funnel. Use tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel to track user behavior.

By tracking and analyzing these metrics, you can identify areas for improvement in your free trial sign-up funnel and make data-driven decisions to optimize your conversion rates over time.