Are you tired of wasting your ad budget on leads that have gone cold? Do you want to increase your chances of generating hot leads that can be quickly converted into sales? If so, you're in luck.

In the world of SaaS, competition is fierce, and every dollar spent on advertising needs to count. That's why savvy SaaS businesses are turning to ad scheduling to maximize their advertising efforts.

By scheduling your ads to run during peak periods when your target audience is most active and engaged, you can increase your chances of generating hot leads that are more likely to convert into paying customers. And the best part? Ad scheduling is easy to set up and can yield impressive results in a matter of weeks.

In this post, we'll dive deeper into the benefits of ad scheduling for SaaS businesses, share real-world examples of its success, and provide a step-by-step guide on implementing it for your business.

Benefit Explanation
Increased ROI By running ads during peak periods when your target audience is most active and engaged, you can increase your chances of generating hot leads that are more likely to convert into paying customers.
Better Ad Performance By analyzing data on when your target audience is most active and engaged, you can optimize your ad campaigns for better performance.
More Efficient Budget Allocation By avoiding running ads during times when your target audience is less likely to engage, you can allocate your ad budget more efficiently and effectively.

Why Ad Scheduling Is Important for SaaS Businesses

Ad scheduling is particularly important for SaaS businesses, as it allows them to:

  • Prioritize their sales efforts: By scheduling ads to run during peak periods, SaaS businesses can ensure that their sales team is available to follow up on leads generated by their ads. This can help them prioritize their sales efforts and increase their chances of converting leads into paying customers.
  • Avoid wasting ad spend: By avoiding times when their target audience is less likely to be active or available, SaaS businesses can avoid wasting ad spend on times when their ads are less likely to generate leads.
  • Optimize their ad campaigns: By analyzing the performance of their ads during different times and days of the week, SaaS businesses can optimize their ad campaigns to ensure that they are generating the highest possible return on ad spend.
Industry Recommended Ad Scheduling Times
Financial Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Healthcare Monday-Friday, 9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm
E-commerce Monday-Sunday, 10am-8pm
Technology Monday-Friday, 10am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
Hospitality Monday-Sunday, 4pm-8pm

This is purely based on our own observation. You should run your own experiments to see what time works best for your SaaS

SaaS Examples of Ad Scheduling in Action

Here are some examples of how SaaS businesses have successfully used ad scheduling to boost their advertising efforts:

  • This project management software company used ad scheduling to target their ads to run during business hours when their target audience was most likely to be active. As a result, they saw a 20% increase in lead generation and a 33% decrease in cost per lead.
  • Freshdesk: This customer support software company used ad scheduling to target their ads to run on weekdays when their target audience was most likely searching for solutions to their customer support needs. This helped them increase their conversion rate by 25% and decrease their cost per acquisition by 30%.
  • HubSpot: This inbound marketing and sales software company used ad scheduling to target their ads to run during business hours in different time zones worldwide. This helped them increase their lead generation by 22% and decrease their cost per lead by 40%.
Metric Before Ad Scheduling After Ad Scheduling Percentage Change
CTR 1.2% 1.8% 50%
Conversion Rate 2.5% 3.8% 52%
Cost per Lead $25 $15 40%

Results of Ad Scheduling Implementation from one of our customer's campaign

How to Implement Ad Scheduling for Your SaaS Business

Ready to implement ad scheduling for your SaaS business? Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Identify your peak periods: Analyze your website traffic and conversion data to identify the times and days of the week when your target audience is most active and engaged.
  2. Set up ad scheduling: Use the ad scheduling feature in your advertising platform to set specific times and days of the week for your ads to run.
  3. Monitor and optimize your ad campaigns: Track the performance of your ads during different times and days of the week and optimize your ad campaigns to ensure that you are generating the highest possible return on ad spend.

By implementing ad scheduling for your SaaS business, you can prioritize your sales efforts, avoid wasting ad spend, and optimize your ad campaigns to generate the highest possible return on ad spend. So why not give it a try?