Beyond Code: Innovations and Trends in B2B Software for Business Growth

It’s 2024. 

That means that it’s time to grasp the reality that MASSIVE changes have been happening in the B2B software space. 

From the rise in AI and machine learning to companies making a push for low-code/no-code app development, I can firmly say that as the VP of Strategy & Marketing Services at Elevation Marketing… I’ve seen it all. 

That’s why I wanted to take a pause, to share some of the latest emerging trends to watch out for in B2B software. 

So without further ado, let’s dive into the shifts that are shaping the software world today. 

AI Integrations

All over the news, you’ve probably heard about one technology that has infiltrated our lives in a big way: artificial intelligence. 

Whether you view it as a force for good or harbor reservations, AI and machine learning have become integral components of today's tech landscape—and this vital technology is not going anywhere.

In fact, projections indicate that by 2024, 75% of companies will incorporate AI into their operations in various capacities.

So with that said, here are some of the most popular AI tools with B2B software:

Content Writing

Platforms like ChatGPT, Jasper.AI, and other innovative sites have revolutionized content creation, offering streamlined solutions for various writing tasks.

Blog intros, sales emails, video titles, and more—these platforms excel in generating impactful B2B content marketing for marketers

So, if you're crafting engaging blog intros to hook readers or trying to compose a persuasive sales email to captivate potential clients, there are various AI content tools that you can use to create impactful content efficiently and effectively.

*If you're feeling hesitant about integrating content writing AI into your toolkit, I recommend exploring ChatGPT to acquaint yourself with AI technology. It's free and provides hands-on experience to help you understand how AI operates.


Now, let's shift our focus to AI chatbots.

I like AI chatbots because they serve as a potent tool for B2B companies. 

They streamline tasks such as addressing FAQs, scheduling demos, and troubleshooting services in the chatbot toggle on your site. 

By using AI chatbots, you free up valuable time for human agents to focus on more complex issues and strategic initiatives. 

Goodbye are the days of agents having to answer mundane questions. 

AI chatbot tools can handle the heavy lifting for your team. (Even off the clock!)

“Virtual” Assistants

Imagine having access to a fully digitized virtual assistant...

Companies such as HubSpot, Google, Alexa, and numerous others are rolling out their versions of AI assistants. 

Where AI chatbots focus on chatbot-related tasks, AI assistants streamline tasks such as sourcing imagery for blogs, executing CRM actions, and a plethora of other functions.

This tool is cool because it has the potential to be an all-in-one tool that drives a significant boost in efficiency across marketing, sales, and customer service teams, all at the click of a button.

Remote/WFH Tools

After the 2020 pandemic, there’s been a seismic shift towards remote work. 

To meet this profound change in the work environment, B2B software tools have swiftly adapted — ensuring their platforms are more "work from home"-friendly.

Some key features designed to facilitate remote work include:

  • Video Conferencing: B2B software now offers robust video conferencing solutions, allowing your teams to connect face-to-face virtually, host meetings, and collaborate in real-time across different locations.
  • Collaboration Tools: Advanced collaboration tools empower your remote teams to work seamlessly together, share documents, brainstorm ideas, and track project progress in a centralized digital workspace.
  • Task and Project Management: Advanced task and project management features enable your remote teams to organize tasks, set deadlines, assign responsibilities, and track progress in real-time, fostering transparency and accountability across distributed teams.
  • Training and Onboarding Support: Some B2B software tools offer training and onboarding support to help your remote employees quickly adapt to new workflows and technologies, providing resources, tutorials, and interactive guides to enhance productivity and proficiency.

As the remote work trend continues to gain momentum, these B2B software tools will play an increasingly vital role in enabling your business to thrive in this new era of work flexibility and digital connectivity.

Multi-Factor Authentication & Cyber Security 

When you think of multi-factor authentication, you probably think of facial scan recognition or thumbprint reading with your mobile device. 

BUT, multi-factor authentication (MFA) extends far beyond consumer use. 

B2B enterprises harness MFA within their operations to protect their data against unauthorized users. 

And, as the rise in cybercrime continues to progress, MFA becomes more and more essential to B2B companies. 

Unlike two-factor authentication, MFA offers an extra layer of security through the use of biometrics (like facial or fingerprint scans), PINs, security questions, or other variables. 

This additional layer enhances protection and ensures that your sensitive information remains safeguarded from potential threats.

Going Cloud-Based

Another notable technological advancement worth discussing is the transition towards cloud-based solutions.

Cloud-based solutions have transformed the landscape of software deployment, data management, and infrastructure provisioning for B2B companies.

Before, traditional companies had to rely solely on on-premise systems. 

With cloud-based solutions, your enterprise teams can gain access to crucial company information from anywhere, eliminating the need for physical presence on site. 

I particularly appreciate this shift - especially in the WFH era - as it reshapes how businesses operate and ensures seamless continuity regardless of location.

Low-Code or No-Code App Dev

In response to the increasing demand for rapid application development and the shortage of skilled developers, the concept of low-code or no-code app development has emerged as a game-changer in the B2B software landscape. 

These platforms enable users with varying levels of technical expertise to build and deploy fully functional applications with minimal coding requirements, empowering many companies across multiple industries to innovate and iterate faster than ever before.

Without the need for in-house developers, your company can produce a UI/UX-friendly app quickly AND beautifully.

Setting Up Your B2B Company for MASSIVE Success

It’s important to stay keen on what’s happening in the B2B software space because - at the end of the day - IT AFFECTS YOUR BUSINESS. 

From the persistent threat of B2B hackers to the imperative of enhancing content creation with AI tools, as a key decision-maker, the responsibility falls on YOU to foster B2B business growth

I hope that this discussion hasn’t scared you away from the inevitability of change, but has opened your eyes to the opportunities that lie ahead. 

What B2B tool have you already got up and running in your B2B company?

Ryan Gould

Vice President of Strategy and Marketing Services

​​From legacy Fortune 100 institutions to inventive start-ups, Ryan Gould brings extensive experience with a wide range of B2B clients. As the Vice President of Strategy and Marketing Services at Elevation Marketing, he skillfully architects and manages the delivery of integrated marketing programs. He strongly believes in strategy, not just tactics, that effectively align sales and marketing teams within organizations.
