8 Customer Pain Point Examples From the Real World

"The best way to find out what customers want is to listen to them." 

- Ray Kroc

Have you ever had a frustrating experience as a customer? I've dealt with confusing websites that took forever to navigate, non-responsive customer service reps, and unclear onboarding processes that left me scratching my head.

These negative experiences not only caused headaches for me, but they also represented missed opportunities for those companies to earn my business and loyalty. However, when I've had positive customer experiences that catered specifically to my needs, I was quick to reward those companies with referrals, repeat business, and glowing reviews.

I realized that if I could apply some of those lessons from the customer perspective to my own clients, it could go a long way towards helping them stand out in a crowded SaaS market. With that in mind, I dug into some real-world examples of common customer pain points and how top companies chose to solve them.

From speeding up wait times to offering personalized recommendations, this post outlines eight pain points SaaS providers frequently overlook along with proven ways to turn them into opportunities to wow customers. By addressing these issues for my clients, I can help them drive faster growth through improved customer satisfaction and retention. The more they focus on eliminating customer friction, the more success we can build together over the long-term.

1. Long wait times

Nobody likes waiting in long lines or on hold for hours. Long wait times can leave customers feeling frustrated and undervalued. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, customers are willing to wait no more than 2 minutes in a line, and after that, their satisfaction drops.

Offer self-service options: Provide customers access to an online knowledge base, FAQs, and tutorials to help them troubleshoot common issues independently.
Implement chatbots: Use AI-powered chatbots to respond quickly and efficiently to customers' inquiries.
Prioritize support tickets: Use a ticketing system to prioritize and address urgent customer issues first.

Example: Amazon Go is a perfect example of how companies can address this pain point. Their stores have no cashiers, no checkout lines, and no waiting. Customers simply walk in, grab what they need, and leave. Their account is automatically charged, and they receive a receipt via email.

2. Confusing website

In today's digital age, a confusing website can be a major turn-off for customers. If customers can't find what they're looking for quickly and easily, they may give up and look for a competitor with a more user-friendly site.

Simplify the website design: Ensure that the website is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
Provide clear instructions: Clearly label buttons and provide step-by-step instructions to help users complete tasks.
Optimize the website for mobile: Ensure that the website is optimized for mobile devices, as more and more people are accessing websites from their smartphones.

Example: The UK government's website was once criticized for being confusing and difficult to navigate. They completely redesigned the site to address this issue, focusing on simplicity and ease of use. The new site is now more user-friendly, resulting in a 50% decrease in calls to their helpline.

3. Unresponsive customer service

When customers have a question or a problem, they want to be able to reach out to customer service and get a timely response. Unresponsive customer service can lead to frustration and a feeling of being ignored.

Set clear response times: Clearly communicate expected response times for different types of inquiries or issues.
Provide multiple communication channels: Offer customers different channels to reach out for help, such as email, phone, or live chat.
Offer 24/7 support: If possible, offer round-the-clock support to ensure customers can get help when they need it.

Example: Zappos is known for its exceptional customer service. They have a 24/7 customer service hotline, and their representatives are trained to go above and beyond to help customers. In one instance, a customer called to return a pair of shoes because her husband had died, and she no longer needed them. The customer service representative sent flowers to the customer and provided a full refund.

4. Poor product quality

Customers expect high-quality products, and when they don't receive them, it can lead to disappointment and a loss of trust in the brand.

Conduct regular testing: Regularly test products to identify and fix any issues before they affect customers.
Listen to customer feedback: Take customer feedback seriously and use it to make improvements to the product.
Offer a satisfaction guarantee: Offer a money-back guarantee or a free trial to help build trust and confidence in the product.

Example: Apple is known for its high-quality products and is one of the most valuable brands in the world. They have a rigorous quality control process and are constantly working to improve their products. In one instance, they recalled a batch of iPhone 6s due to a battery issue, even though it was a relatively small problem. This showed their commitment to quality and their willingness to put the customer first.

5. Lack of personalization

Customers want to feel valued and appreciated, and personalization can go a long way in achieving this. When businesses treat customers as individuals and tailor their experience to their specific needs and preferences, it can lead to increased loyalty and satisfaction.

Use customer data to personalize experiences: Use customer data to personalize emails, messaging, and product recommendations.
Offer customized pricing: Offer pricing packages tailored to each customer's specific needs and budget.
Provide proactive support: Anticipate customers' needs and provide support and advice proactively.

Example: Starbucks is known for its personalized customer experience. They allow customers to customize their drinks with a range of options, and they use customer data to offer personalized promotions and rewards.

6. Poor communication

Communication is key in any relationship, including the one between a business and its customers. When businesses fail to communicate effectively, it can lead to confusion and frustration.

Provide regular updates: Keep customers informed of any product updates, changes, or new features.
Use clear and simple language: Use plain language and avoid technical jargon to ensure customers can easily understand communications.
Provide training resources: Provide training materials and resources to help customers better understand and use the product.

Example: Airbnb is known for its communication with customers. They have a clear and transparent booking process and provide regular updates and notifications to customers throughout their stay. They also have a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 to help with any issues or questions.

7. Lack of convenience

In today's fast-paced world, customers expect convenience. When businesses fail to provide it, customers may look elsewhere for a more convenient option.

Automate processes: Automate repetitive tasks and workflows to save customers time and effort.
Integrate with other tools: Integrate the product with other tools and services that customers use to improve the overall experience.
Offer flexible payment options: Offer flexible payment options, such as monthly or annual billing, to accommodate different budgets and needs.

Example: Uber is a prime example of a business that has addressed this pain point. Their app allows customers to quickly and easily request a ride, track their driver's location, and pay for the ride all from their phone. This convenience has helped them become one of the most successful ride-sharing companies in the world.

8. High prices

Customers want value for their money, and when they feel like they're paying too much for a product or service, it can lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of loyalty.

Offer tiered pricing: Offer different pricing tiers with varying levels of features and functionality to accommodate different budgets and needs.
Provide a free trial: Offer a free trial or a freemium version of the product to allow customers to test it out before committing to a purchase.
Provide value: Highlight the product's value and how it can help customers save time, increase productivity, or achieve their goals.

Example: Costco is known for its low prices and high value. Their membership model allows them to offer discounts on a range of products and focus on providing high-quality products at affordable prices.

Addressing customer pain points is crucial for any SaaS company looking to build and maintain a loyal customer base.

A deep understanding of these pain points and addressing them can improve customer satisfaction, build trust and loyalty, and ultimately drive growth and success.


1. What is a customer pain point?

A customer pain point is a problem or frustration customers experience when using a product or service. It can be a tangible issue, such as a product that doesn't work as intended, or a more intangible issue, such as poor customer service or a confusing user interface. Identifying and addressing customer pain points can help businesses improve their products and services and increase customer satisfaction.

2. Why are customer pain points important for businesses to identify?

Identifying customer pain points is important for businesses because it can help them improve their products and services, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately boost sales and revenue. By understanding what frustrates customers, businesses can make targeted improvements to their products and services that address those pain points and improve the customer experience. Addressing pain points can help businesses differentiate themselves from competitors who may not be addressing those same issues.

3. How do I identify customer pain points for my business?

There are several ways to identify customer pain points for your business. One method is to analyze customer feedback, such as reviews and complaints, to identify common issues. You can also conduct surveys or focus groups to ask customers directly about their pain points. You can observe customer behavior, such as how they interact with your product or service, to identify areas of frustration.

4. What are some common customer pain points across industries?

Common customer pain points across industries include issues such as long wait times, poor customer service, confusing product instructions or packaging, technical difficulties, and hidden fees or charges. Customers may also experience frustration when a product or service doesn't meet their expectations, is difficult to use or understand, or doesn't align with their values or beliefs.

5. How do I prioritize which customer pain points to address?

When prioritizing which customer pain points to address, consider both the impact and frequency of the pain point. Issues that affect a large number of customers or have a significant impact on their experience should be prioritized over smaller or less impactful issues. Consider the feasibility of addressing the pain point, such as the resources required and the potential return on investment.

6. Can addressing customer pain points improve customer loyalty?

Yes, addressing customer pain points can improve customer loyalty. When businesses take action to address customer pain points, it demonstrates that they value their customers and are committed to improving their experience. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as positive word-of-mouth recommendations and referrals.

7. How can I measure the impact of addressing customer pain points?

One way to measure the impact of addressing customer pain points is to track changes in customer satisfaction metrics, such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) or customer loyalty. You can track changes in sales or revenue following the implementation of changes to address pain points.

Collecting customer feedback after making changes can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of those changes.

8. How can I communicate with customers to better understand their pain points?

To better understand customer pain points, businesses can communicate with customers through various channels, such as email, social media, or in-person conversations. Actively listen to customer feedback and take notes on pain points that are mentioned frequently. Businesses can conduct surveys or focus groups to directly ask customers about their pain points and gather more detailed feedback.

9. What are some examples of businesses that have successfully addressed customer pain points?

There are many examples of businesses that have successfully addressed customer pain points. For example, Zappos addressed the pain point of not being able to try on shoes before purchasing by offering free shipping and returns. Apple addressed the pain point of technical difficulties by offering user-friendly products and providing extensive customer support. Airbnb addressed the pain point of trust by implementing a thorough verification process for both hosts and guests. These examples demonstrate how addressing customer pain points can improve the customer experience and ultimately lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

10. What are some common mistakes to avoid when addressing customer pain points?

When addressing customer pain points, there are several common mistakes to avoid. One mistake is focusing too heavily on individual pain points without considering the broader customer experience. Another mistake is implementing changes without fully understanding the root cause of the pain point. Businesses should avoid over-promising and under-delivering when addressing pain points, as this can further frustrate customers.

Avoid a "one-size-fits-all" approach and instead tailor solutions to the specific pain points and needs of different customer segments.