7 Unique B2B Marketing Tactics For Small Businesses

We're a small business like you, and we know the struggles you face when trying to come up with clever marketing campaigns that'll make your company stand out. And to be honest, sometimes it's hard to figure out what works in the B2B world or what will make an impression on your clientele.

Well, that's where we come in! We've compiled 7 unique B2B marketing tactics just for small businesses like yours, and they've helped us take our business to the next level. So without any further ado… here they are!

Leverage your company's unique selling points

You should make sure that you share your unique selling points with your prospects. While this is one of the most obvious B2B marketing tactics, it's also one of the most overlooked. Make sure that you're speaking to what makes your company unique at every turn, whether it's in a blog post, an email campaign, or a sales call. If you don't speak up about what sets your business apart from the crowd, no one else will do it for you.

There are different ways to show off what makes your business special. You could talk about how your product is better than those of competitors because it features X amount of Y. You could also talk about how your service is more reliable (e.g., if there's an issue with the product or service, "we promise to resolve 90% of issues within 24 hours"). There are many ways to show off how amazing your company is—you just have to get creative!

Build a community

Creating a community around your business is advantageous from different perspectives. Your customers will have the opportunity to share feedback and ideas, which can help you improve your services or products. You’ll also get the chance to learn more about your audience so that you can create more relevant content and offers in the future.

The key is to provide value and engage with people. Give them something they want, such as answers to questions they may be asking, new ideas they may not have heard of before, and inspiration that can help them grow their businesses.

Publish thought-leadership content

Thought leadership is a marketing strategy that leverages the credibility and expertise of key personnel within an organization. Thought leadership content can include blog posts, videos, interviews, infographics, or white papers. Its purpose is to educate customers while demonstrating how you're always staying on top of industry trends. This serves to keep your business top-of-mind when your target audience has a specific problem they need help solving. It also helps establish yourself as a leader in your industry by demonstrating that you know your stuff and are always willing to share new ideas with others. Thought leadership builds trust between businesses and their customers without the need for cold calling or hard selling tactics. In fact, Google reports that consumers spend 25% more with companies they consider thought leaders compared to those who don't make an effort to publish this type of content.

Thought leadership content can be used in any marketing channel you choose such as email newsletters, social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), or even at live events where each attendee takes home a guidebook or magazine filled with helpful tips from expert contributors. The bottom line is that people want information—not only does it help them solve their problems but if shared via social media channels like Facebook then others may discover what's valuable about what we offer too!

Develop an internal strategy to answer customers' questions

The question-and-answer section of your website is a crucial part of the customer experience. It's important to be sure that customers can easily and quickly get the information they need, but it's also essential that you have an organized and well-implemented system for handling these types of inquiries. Make sure all employees know about this section—a simple FAQ page on your site will probably not work as well as a dedicated area with an employee assigned to it who knows how to answer customers' questions.

Here are some tips for running a successful Q&A page:

  • Make your questions short and concise. This makes it easier for employees to find the answers quickly, which will reduce response time dramatically.
  • Keep the questions and responses similar across all departments—don't let people in different departments have their own unique set of questions and answers, or else you'll end up with a mess of information related only to one department (and forget about sharing info with other departments).

Speak at trade shows and events

Speaking at trade shows and events is another B2B marketing tactic that's great because it works just as well for a small business as it does for a large corporation. With the proper knowledge, you can get your brand in front of your target audience and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

There are many ways to accomplish this, including being a speaker at an industry event or panel discussion, getting involved with local nonprofits, or even volunteering to help host an upcoming event. Encourage your employees to do the same — not only will it be good for company morale, but also build credibility and authority with customers.

Run contests and giveaways

It's no secret that everyone likes to win something for free. Run unique contests and giveaways on your social media platforms, and watch as your audience gets excited about the chance to score a prize from you. You can ask them to share certain posts or tag friends in order to enter, and these people are likely to spread the word about your brand if they're doing it for the chance at some awesome swag.

You may want to consider hosting your giveaway with a tool like Rafflecopter or Gleam, which allow you to collect email addresses of each person who enters. These tools also provide analytics so you can track how many people have entered and what type of engagement levels each platform is driving. It's a great way to grow your list while also attracting new customers!

If you don't have national reach, consider hosting a giveaway at the local level instead. This type of giveaway will help grow your brand awareness among neighbors who may not have found out about you otherwise.

Get involved in the local community.

If you're looking to get involved in a local community, the first thing you should do is take a look at the local newspaper or website. They'll probably have several events going on at any given time, and they'll be a great place to meet like-minded people in your area. You can also check out Facebook groups like local business pages and small business pages, which are great networking tools for both new and established businesses.

Once you've found something that interests you, make sure it's something that's right for you as an entrepreneur. For example, if all of your friends are into doing craft shows or selling things at farmers markets, there's no reason why that shouldn't be a part of your marketing routine as well. Just make sure you go about it the right way: it's more important to get involved with what makes sense for your business than what makes sense for everyone else. There's no need to reinvent the wheel if someone else has already done it!

Let your customers know what makes you special.

All small businesses are unique, but they all need to let their customers know what makes them special. How can you distinguish your product or service from the competition in a crowded space? What’s going to make customers choose you over your competitors?

Small business owners should consider the following:

  • Establishing an online community or forum where people can talk about issues related to their industry. For example, if you run a business that sells plant-based pet food, you could build a space on your website for cat and dog lovers to discuss all things related to pet nutrition and care. By offering this resource free of charge, you encourage visitors and customers to come back again and again—and these loyal visitors may become loyal buyers as well when it comes time for them to buy pet food.
  • Sharing content on social media demonstrates how different your company is from the competition. For example, if you sell vintage stationery supplies from around the world (I have a friend who does that), post photos of yourself traveling through Europe buying office supplies in unique markets. Or maybe share videos of yourself using old-fashioned typewriters at outdoor festivals! When potential customers see how passionate you are about what you do, they're more likely to want it too!

These are just a few of the many unique marketing strategies you can use to boost your small business's B2B presence. Whether you're reaching out to new audiences or trying to build closer relationships with your existing customers, these tactics will help you capture their attention and make sure they remember you. Keep your customers in mind every step of the way, and don't be afraid to get creative. You never know what might work!